Today we have a fashion feature recap on The Stigmata Show from 2013, proving Japanese Girls Can Have Their Own Gothic Style, as well as a short story on the Feather-Lingerie- Angel Motif, Industry News, and VS Angels Supermodel List 2015.

Most Gothic Fashion came from the Astrogoths — who were the original Goths who developed much of the European Gothic Style in UK — where Gothic became an emerging culture in the 1990s, which would eventually spurn into the emo-movement associated with the Gothic Movement of 2013 in Japan, UK, heavily in the USA, and Canada.



EMO became even more famous with the gothic rockstars and goth rockers in 2010 such as The Used and Bullet For My Valentine, which provided some heavy metal that built on bands like the Misfits’ Famous Monsters, which is a good portrayal of the lighter side of Gothic creativity.

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Tracking the cultural movement became difficult in the late 2014 – 2015 Fashion Year as dark designers like the Raven, and other Designers put forth a feathery element like those from Serkan Cura, which Fashion Weekly.

Just over a year ago, these feathered pieces were making their appearances on the Runway, it will be interesting to see what new features will be put forward into the new Emo-Goth-Feather realm, especially since the Angels set their premiere induction of feathers in their Lingerie line.   It has now been close to two years since we saw the inauguration of the 2013 Feathers in the VS Show, which basically exploded into the new age of Lingerie, and re-launched the VS brand in 2014 with the Second Coming — and with the pairing of Taylor Swift into the Lingerie business as a spinoff, which has gotten Lily into Showbiz is making great opportunities to get the entertainment and fashion business paired for the VS Models, and has  been nothing short of extremely beneficial for the  VS Brand.   VS Angels Supermodel List 2015

It would be nice to see some more competition from Japan to promote and develop a lingerie line using the feathers motif to see what types of styles can be built using the emo-goth-feather motif, if any at all.

To get inspired, make sure to checkout the 2015 Angels and stay tuned for the best show yet!  VS Angels Supermodel List 2015