Yae – An Up and Coming Model From Tokyo’s Okazaki Agency

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Yae is a model from Tokyo that has experience with the Okazaki group, and shows well as an independent model.  She has a good understanding of how to present herself in a range of attire, and has the following size dimensions:    T173 / B83 / W60 / H89 / S24.5

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[趣味] 写真、料理
[特技] フィギュアスケート、ピアノ、サックス


A macrame style-top over sweater adds a nice piece to coverup-but still plenty of venting room with its porous pattern.  Yae keeps one side of the shirt tucked into her shorts for extra style, something Westerners used in the 80s, as part of a fashion movement created by Hockey Players who liked to keep their Jersey semi-loose.

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Yae represents the colors pink on top of light brown suede shoes for a nice contrast to her oragami-style top with its folds and pleat-cuts.  The pink slacks are cut just right for her figure, leaving a nicely shaped look that naturally pleats to her body, making her look sophisticated and smart.  Yae continues the scrunched look with the Sport-Jacket, hosting Navy Blue cuff-stripes on a beige-blue shade top.   Hair-down and pulled back gives Yae a fresh and energetic feel.